A change of surroundings can do wonders for your creativity.
Attempt to connect with those you admire; if they're worth admiring, they'll take the call.
Experience is greater than compensation.
Embrace the unexpected.
Feedback moves you forward.
Finish what you start.
Have a side project.
Juxtapose the absurd and seemingly unnatural.
The Lone Ranger is dead; find partner(s).
Personal preference has little to do with solving design problems.
Productivity and creativity are not one in the same.
Simplify. Over-execution can kill a good idea.
Social media kills creativity.
Try not to create and analyze at the same time; they're different processes. (via Sister Corita Kent)
Action speaks volumes.
Community building is not a desk job.
Community is a process not a product.
Do everything once before asking others to do it.
Effectiveness is more important than efficiency.
Invest in individuals.
Lead by example without imposing answers.
Legacy is not a building with your name on it.
Mentorship is more valuable than management in the long run.
Movement does not necessarily equal progress.
People attract people.
The "right direction" cannot be crowd-sourced.
Scale changes focus.
The shape of a city is determined by who gets involved.
Sometimes to love a place, you have to see others love it first.
Strong relationships are at the center of great work.
Surround yourself with people willing to call bullshit.
To help teams thrive, be a gardener not an architect.
All things (even good things) must come to an end.
Anything worth doing will make you feel stupid at some point.
Be bored on purpose.
Better listening, yields better questions, yields better human connections.
Busy is not a badge of honor.
Careful…applause can be addictive.
Email kills creativity.
Keep “important” in front of “urgent.”
Life is a pursuit. Our job is simply to determine what's important enough to pursue in the short time we have.
Life is too short for bad wine and tight clothing.
Love is a verb—a choice more often than a feeling.
Perfection is the oppressor.
Personal story has the power to publicly influence.
Some people are much nicer on paper.
Sometimes the best thing we can offer (to our communities, our kin, ourselves) is simply time.
Stillness motivates movement.
Success only means you gain access to better problems.
Try not to marry your plans for the future.
When the sun is out, go outside.
You can do anything, but you can't do everything.